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Cheilitis, perioral dermatitis and contact allergy

doi: 10.1684/ejd.2013.1932.

Evelyne Collet 1Géraldine Jeudy 1Sophie Dalac 1



Cheilitis is a superficial inflammatory condition of the lip. It can occur either alone or be associated with stomatitis or perioral eczema. Contact hypersensitivity reactions are a frequent cause of cheilitis. Cosmetic and hygiene products are the most usual causes. Less frequently, allergic cheilitis is caused by contact with musical instruments, topical medicines or food allergens. Cases of cheilitis induced by dental material are rare and debated. The diagnosis relies on patch tests, which start with the European baseline series and the patient’s personal cosmetic and topical products. This investigation will then be completed by the ingredients in the topical products and specific test series.

Keywords: cheilitis; contact dermatitis; cosmetic products; lipsticks; patch-tests.